I am a student at Lewis & Clark College in what is now called Portland, Oregon. Currently in my last semester of college. My home is San Francisco where I grew up. My family roots lie here in the Pacific Northwest and I’m finding my way grounding myself in this new place despite my not yet being acclimatized to the dark and wet. Continuous seasonal change and glimpses of sunlight, life’s rhythms, and views over this confluence space are always teaching me how to exist here.
This website was seeded as I began my work with the Environmental Studies Program at LC. I also am following a minor in Religious studies. I chose this path as it allows me to take the most breadth of classes and – I’ve been able to take classes from about 10 different departments on campus.
I like finding and expanding that liminal space among what we call academic “disciplines.” Call it part of a project of ”undisciplining” myself and my scholarship. With my peers in ENVS, we are trying to figure out what it means to cross intellectual, geographic, and communication boundaries and divides by synthesizing insights from the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the non-academic spaces in our lives.
Religious studies at Lewis and Clark takes a similar interdisciplinary approach to understanding one of the most fundamental and powerful human categories. We explore the very idea of “religion” and the various ways people understand this category of human thought.
My studies in the field challenge me to ask myself questions that go deep into my worldview and ask me to expand my own beliefs. I hope to share that with you here. Perhaps it’s like a portfolio of my work, but this includes my process as much as my final results. Trying to let go of perfecting things before I share them here.
So anyway, thanks for exploring my site! Please feel free to share your thoughts – I miss connecting with people these days :).
(updated January 2022)